Meet the Life Coach

And Learn To Embrace Your Amplified Life

What would you be capable of

if you believed that you are enough?

Tayo About

Bold enough. Pretty enough. Strong enough. Confident enough...

Would you feel unstoppable? Take a moment to picture all the things you would accomplish. Landing that dream career. Committing to that relationship. Waking up filled with vibrant energy. Sounds like a dream, right?

But here’s the secret….

You don’t have to dream!

Right at this very moment, you are enough! That bold, beautiful, confident person is inside of you.

Maybe all you need is a little guidance.

Hi, I’m Tayo Oseni-Alexis

When I discovered that I was an empath in childhood, I knew that I was capable of great intuition and massive compassion.

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I had a great talent for holding space for people and supporting them from one state to the next, but I found that as I aged, my own life felt stagnant.

Life was good, but I was not fulfilled. None of what I was doing truly excited me. I knew that there was more than this, but what? At the same time, my anxious thoughts overwhelmed me. Was I ungrateful for wanting more, even though nothing was essentially broken?

It was only when I started to help myself with the same passion that I helped others, that I understood my thoughts were producing my results, and I had the power to change them. As a total empath, I discovered I had been absorbing the energy of others, which was stopping me from achieving what I needed to do for my own growth, development, and life.

And suddenly I went from an overwhelmed people-pleaser to a confident boundary-setting person. Developing boundaries and setting my own intentions did not mean I lost compassion for others, but simply was a recognition that I must fill myself first. It is out of my overflow that I am best able to support others, and this is the foundation of my coaching method.

Growth in age and wisdom has rewoven who I am.

I step into my expansive intuitive energy and fully embrace it all as I am not one-dimensional but multifaceted. All parts of me come together for the good and I channel this into helping you to take action.

I absolutely get fired up about human expansion and thrive when I see others personally grow and re-emerge anew with a different perspective and a new life born through coaching. I am deeply committed to empowering others to become the best version of themselves, and this transformation is available to everyone if they are open to it.

As an advocate for living free, I fully believe that by knowing and being your whole complete inside and outside self, you will show up to your life completely in your full and unaltered truth. The journey is internal. It’s about how you live better in every area of your life and through all life stages. As you learn to step into your power, I’d love to be a part of your journey.

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The Certifications

For 20 plus years, Tayo’s corporate professional background has been in Programme Management working in the Technology space. She graduated with an MBA from Warwick business school and undergrad from UEL in Business Information Systems.

Having trained at Robbins Madanes Training as a Life Coach, Coaching Institute as an Energy Coach and Marisa Peer school as a certified Hypnotherapist and licensed Rapid Transformation Therapy (RTT) Practitioner, Tayo has a powerful toolkit and uses effective techniques from Positive Psychotherapy, Hypnotherapy, Strategic Intervention, Energy and CBT to bring about transformational change and guiding clients to a fully expressed life. Tayo is currently preparing to be credentialed as a Board-Certified Coach (B.C.C.).

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